The message hidden within this collage is: who are you? Finding out who you are is an important part if life you can do anything or be anything you want to and this describes what you can be.
The symmetry in this collage is between red and orange. The same size and shape of the cut outs are opposite on each side of the line of symmetry that is slightly off to the left.  It is more like a mirror image of each other across the line of symmetry.
There are three layers in my collage which gives the illusion of depth of things being hidden in the background of the stuff up front. I used all different types of shades of yellow from neon to golden with some off the darker in the back and the lighter towards the front to create space.
This is a charcoal drawing I did of myself using charcoal of course. This image is supposed to represent me in the picture below. I learned to draw with charcoal when doing this drawing and that it is very messy to use and hard not to smudge. I used value, color, lines, contrast, form, and shape. This drawing just reminds me of me and the time I spent working on my drawings that depict me.
Almost done
This is my self portrait based off the picture below. I used pencil  to draw myself as portrayed in that picture. A new skill I gained was the ability to use proper proportions and placement of structures on the face and head. Form,shape, line, and value are the art elements that I used during this drawing. This reminds me of the summer when I took this picture for my senior pictures for the school.